1. Information provided by you

We collect information you provide when you create a Devitan's Apps account, upload content, or otherwise use the service, including:

Identification information

For example, your email address, username, and authentication credentials used to sign up or log in. If you choose to add a photo, location, or other optional details to your profile, you should be aware that such information is public, and therefore visible to anyone who visits your profile page. And in the future, we will launch the online personal home page. It may also be visible to anyone who visits your personal home page, although we will provide the invisible setting option.

Information about trading in Devitan's Apps

If you purchase or carry out other transactions (such as exchanging commodities in real) in Devitan's Apps, we will collect information about these purchases or transactions. This information includes your payment information, such as order information of Google play and Apple store, and distribution and contact information, such as Full name, Country, State, Province, Region, City, Address line, Email address, Zip code and Phone number. We use this information to check your consumption and logistics distribution.

The using situation of you

We collect how you use the information of our product, such as the content and type of activities, the functions used, the operation of the execution, the accounts interacting with others and your online time, frequency, and length of your online time. This information enables us to optimize our product services and allow you to recognize products.

Last updated